Echina24 Electronic Co., Ltd.



Buy high quality China wholesale apparel, cell phones, electronics, handbags and other wholesale products directly from China echina24 for the best price, and get worldwide delivery plus free escrow service.

Buy from an online shop you can trust, save up to 80% on high street prices, tested products, unrivalled customer support, expert product knowledge and fast delivery.

We have already experienced online service on eBay for two years. But ebay has its limitations, such as only shipped to some countries, no combined shipping offer, can not meet all your needs. That's why we build our own website , we'd like to overcome all the barriers between you and us. We hope that more worldwide business partners can join us with our favorable price and excellent service.

The Online-Shop provide the Users all kinds of electronics and digital products with unbeatable price.
Our products are kept updating and sufficient stock. If you have any questions either about product or about your order, please don't hesitate to contact us.

In order to illustrate the products literally, we present you their related data and pictures. It is one of the style service.
All data, text and pictures exclusively belong to the property of

The great variety of the offer and the tiny price make us inimitable on the Internet.

We accept paypal payment, it is absolutely safe. We provide 30 day money back guarantee to assure You Always Get 100% Customer Satisfaction.

Echina24 Co., Ltd.
Telephone: 86-755-28587311
Fax: 86-755-28587311
For big order:


Xbox 360 accessories, wii remote accessories, mobile data cables, mobile batteries, mobile chargers, bluetooth headset, lights, elecronic gadgets, PDA accessories, computer accessories and More Accessories

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