Aloe Extract Decolorized

Price : Price Negotiable
Quantity : 50.000 ()
Minimum Order : 1
Product Status : New
Sample Available : yes
Payment Mode : Bank Transfer
Categories : Agriculture & Food, Health Food
Posted By :

Changsha Organic Herb Inc


Active Ingredients: Aloin Barbaloin

Scientific Names: Aloe vera L.

Forms: Dried leaf latex; dry extract of aloe latex; leaf acemannan hydrogel; aloe gel

Product Description

Aloe dried latex contains: Approximately 13-27% aloins A and B (barbaloin, aloin, and glucosyl diastereoisomers of aloe-emodin anthrone). Aside from aloinosides A and B, other hydroxyanthracene derivatives are also present. 5-hydroxyaloin is characteristic of Cape aloes while 7- hydroxyaloin is found in Barbados aloe; small amounts of anthraquinones including aloe-emodin and chrysophanol. Chromone derivatives including 25-40% aloeresins A and B and smaller amounts C. Aloenin B (aloenin A and p-coumaroyl-glucose); p-coumaric acid methyl ester also occurs. Aloe gel contains: water; polysaccharides including acemannan; fatty acids including gamma linolenic acid; prostaglandins; salicylic acid; saponins; sterols; vitamins E and C; minerals including zinc; 20 amino acids (out of 22 required by the human body); and lectins.


Changsha Organic Herb Inc

Website: (OHI China)

Sales Manager : Winma Wu

Mobile phone: 86-15874017808

Tel: 86-731- 82739228 Fax: 86-731-82739211



Skype: winmahaohao


AddressA301 International Enterprice Center, No.188, Huanbao Middle Road. Yuhua Changsha City, Hunan Province, P.R.China. 410116
FDA Registered Number: 10214622384


Changsha Organic Herb Inc

  • Bussiness Type: Manufacturer Year Established: 1993
  • Main Markets: Whole World
  • Product Focus: Herb @ Natural Remedy ,
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