mineral casting | polymer concrete |
Product Feature
Function and advantage:
1.Vibration damping
1)Reduce steps and time during installing equipment.
2)To get the ideal image more quickly during optical inspection
3)Provide excellent stability for fast browsing, scanning and testing
4)Improve the machining accuracy of workpiece through reducing vibration during high-speed machining process
1)Customer linear ways, hydraulic fluid tanks, threaded inserts, slotted and locating pinhole, T-slot, conduit piping, wire and through hole can be integrated into the polymer base
2)Also can be integrated with natural granite, metal and ceramic to get the dayum surface
3.Cost Reduction
1)Save secondary machining and finishing operation cost
2)Minimizes using expensive structural material as much as possible
3)Assembly time is reduced by incorporating multiple components into one casting
4.Heat resistance
1)The lower coefficient of heat expansion compared with the metal casting
2)Minimizes thermal gradients
5.Corrosion resistant
Offers excellent strength and chemical resistance to most common solvents, acids, alkalis and cutting fluids.