Onions Onions and name ball Onions, onion, YuCong, Onions, Dutch Onions, genera of allium liliaceous, born in 2 herbaceous plants. The origin of the relevant Onions that many, but most think Onions in southwest Asia, central Asia from Asia small Asia of the plateau area of Iran, Afghanistan. Onions have 5000 years history, the origin of 1000 BC to Egypt, to the Mediterranean region, then introduced into America, 16th century 17th century to Japan, the beginning of the 20th century was introduced into China. Onion is widely distributed in our country, the south and the north are cultivated, and around planting area are still growing, is one of the main vegetable in China at present. China has become the four large onion production to countries (China, India, the United States, Japan) one. China is mainly the planting area of shandong, gansu, Inner Mongolia, xinjiang, etc